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An open-world fantasy sandbox taking place in the fantastical lands of Arden, where you decide what lies in store... · By Aerix Art Games


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Recent updates

Wolfthorn - Build 27.A
Build Update 27.A Bug Fixes: AI can no longer attack members of the same faction or aggro each other accidentally. Fixed main menu issue causing fatal error whe...
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Performance and Optimization Updates Pt. 1 - Build 25.A
Performance and Optimization Updates: Worked further on various performance optimizations, began cleaning up all main maps for demo. Animal AI dropping performa...
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Minor Updates Pt. 2 - Build 25.A
Minor Updates for Build 25.A Part 2: Removed unnecessary sublevels in the Marrlands and Vascany to reduce file size and improve performance in some areas. Remov...
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Minor Updates Pt. 1 - Build 25.A
Minor Changes for Build 25.A Disabled forced random weather on game start. Random weather can still occur but does not automatically happen at the start of the...
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Minor Bug Fix - Build 25.A
Minor Bug Fix Fixed missing icons in Quest log. Other minor / small bug fixes...
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Wolfthorn - Build 25.A
Major Update for The Demo Updated the entire game demo build for 2023. Included The Marrlands, Vascany, Zythil, Tutorial Map and Developer Map. Additional updat...
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Wolfthorn Hotfix - [Build 24.D]
Important Fix! Patch Details: Patched a vital issue where renamed files were causing a descriptor error preventing the game from launching from last update. Thi...
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Wolfthorn Exploration Demo 1.13
For Update 24.D of Wolfthorn's Exploration build and the third general update for Wolfthorn. Featuring some major updates, such as navigation optimization, game...
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About the Game:

Wolfthorn is an open-world fantasy inspired action-rpg taking place in the fantastical lands of Arden, one of the largest, of the seven continents of the world; among an Earth bestowed among the fantasies of Wolfthorn called the Midian-Earth, with a rich open-ended fantasy experience driving deep into the roots of epic fantasy and classic mystical roots of it all, taking deep inspiration from J.R.R. Tolkien's works and the Lord of The Rings series.

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  1. Obviously, keep it civil. No harassing other users or developers such as myself.
  2. Try to keep redundancy to a minimum. Be aware of other questions that may be similar to yours and try not to post duplicates.
  3. When giving any sort of criticism, keep it constructive. This means simply giving reasonable explanations behind issues and so on. In other words; just be honest and tell me what's good, what's bad and what needs improving so I can make it better!
  4. Lastly, just have some fun! That's what this is all about and I am so blessed to share this journey with you all. 
Last post
What is this topic for? This topic forum is a collection of all currently known issues / or bugs related to the game bui...
started by Aerix Art Games Jan 23, 2024
1 reply
What is this topic for? This is the main thread for general feedback, constructive comments through early access and so...
started by Aerix Art Games Jan 06, 2022
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This is the official topic for all game updates, dev-logs and more accessible only by authors and mods! Current: Huge An...
started by Aerix Art Games Feb 01, 2020
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About this topic: This is the official general discussion and q & a hub for Wolfthorn! Keep it appropriate, and keep a h...
started by Aerix Art Games Dec 19, 2019
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